Tuesday 23 August 2011

All Poops - What Your Poop can groped to Tell You

!±8± All Poops - What Your Poop can groped to Tell You

I must admit, in front, which is the crappiest article I ever wrote.

You see, I was walking my dogs, Rosie and Marty the other day, I noticed that I have an important role in my life. I'm not afraid to admit it. I take after my dog ​​every day, I scoop my litter box every day (ok, not every day, but it feels like it), and I talk with my clients about their bowel movements. In fact, while I was in India last summer was Poopactually the number one topic of conversation between me and my colleagues, as we compared notes, he had diarrhea and was still in good health. I still have more than "poo watch" for a few weeks after my return to the U.S. to ensure that everything was fine (and thankfully it was!)

So if you're a pet owner, parents, health professionals are on or around the world, you probably know what I mean!

But many people do not talk as much as I did. I know because when Iask people about their breast, I often get blank stares and looks uncomfortable. So I leave it on all the issues people want to respond, but usually not afraid to ask to speak. After all, your poop is an important indicator of your health!

What is Poop?

Have you ever wondered what is actually crap? About 75% of shit medium is water, although this depends on the person. The water is absorbed by the fecal material that passes through the colon, soThe longer you are taking the "go", the drier the feces.

The remaining 25% is the dead bacteria, which we digest food, living bacteria, protein, undigested food residue (also known as fiber), waste food, cellular linings, fats, cholesterol, salts, proteins with , aided and substances released by the liver and intestine (eg mucus).

What makes a healthy poop?

Their droppings are a clear indicator of the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Dr. MehmetOz says: "At the end of the day, you can analyze your body really effectively by looking at what comes from your body."

What should I know? Being a healthy platform:
Auburn, the pigments formed by bacteria in the intestine and bile from the liver. You want to make sure the color is normal, because this says a lot about what's happening in your gastrointestinal tract (plus color below). Founded in an elongated shape. Dr. Michael Levitt, an Australiancolorectal surgeon, who wrote a book entitled The book is written gut says that the healthy human stool resembles the shape and texture (though not the same color) of an unripe banana. Dr. Oz says, "You do not want [pieces]." Some experts disagree, saying that there needs to be well trained. Patrick Donovan, ND, a naturopath in Seattle, WA says, "I have to be registered is not well-formed, can be dispersed in water toilet;. You can break." Almost odorless. 1 to 2 cmIn diameter and 18 cm in length.
What about other colors?

Sometimes we do not see that "golden gurus", and others are faced with something. Here are some ideas that may be other colors.
Black: black droppings, dried blood in them when there is internal bleeding in the upper digestive tract. Consult your doctor if necessary. Very dark brown: the wine drunk the night before can lead to dark brown droppings. This could be the result of eating too much salt,or not enough vegetables. Yellow: A yellow dung condition can cause an infection, such as Giardia, a dangerous infection that can spread to other areas known. Another cause of yellow stool, a condition known as Gilbert's syndrome. See your doctor if you are seeing more and poop yellow. Green: Children often have green poop if they are given food for the first time. The children may have blue or green poop from certain diseases or for the ingestion of food coloring. Adults can alsogreen poop if they eat large amounts of green leafy vegetables or eat large amounts of foods with green food coloring. Bright green droppings may indicate an excess of sugar in the diet. Green feces can also occur with diarrhea if bile salts pass unchanged through the intestines. Back to the doctor if you are interested! White / clear, white or pale stools may occur after drinking barium sulfate, which are often the patient is always given an x-ray of the digestive tract. A white or light-colored stools mayalso an indication of problems with the gall bladder or liver. Red: bright red in the droppings can be indicative of active bleeding, possibly the result of hemorrhoids. A magenta color is formed by intensive red food coloring or eating foods such as red beets.
How often do I have to poop?

Ah - the big question! Experts disagree on how often a person should poop. The National Institute of Diseases Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney says three times a week is normal and healthy for somePeople. According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, once a day is ideal. Other experts say one or two times a day, while others say that an individual should have a bowel movement within two or three hours after a main meal - or having two or three times a day. So you can see that everything depends on who you talk to. My personal opinion is that you want to adjust, especially in planning pooping, and that it is of excrement a day is ideal.

If someone poops four times a day or moreThe back has a liquid consistency, this is called diarrhea. If someone less than two or three days a week and poops in the back is hard, dry and difficult to pass, this is known as constipation.

What is wrong with corn?

It 's funny, so it's ok to laugh. But most people I know have experienced it, and wonder why, if I eat corn, the next time there is is again! There are a few reasons. One is that most of us do not chew ourFood. Another interesting tidbit that I learned that it has an outer shell made from corn, which is made of indigestible cellulose. This outer coating of the inner core and, since it is indigestible migrates through the gut intact. And then comes the look of a whole kernel, although it is only the outer skin. The inside of the kernel is starchy and digestible, and this is the part that we chew and digest in order to succeed.

Well, hopefully you now know much more about this importantArgument. And that's the scoop on poop!

All Poops - What Your Poop can groped to Tell You

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Friday 12 August 2011

Lymph node cancer

!±8± Lymph node cancer

Node lymphatic cancer or lymphoma is a cancer for about five percent of all cancers account. It mostly effects males but is not exclusive to men. Most at risk are between the ages of fifteen and 34 and those over 54 years does not mean that anyone outside this age group is not at risk but statistically it seems that fall into these age groups to a greater extent. Like all other cancers, early detection and treatment are key togreater chance of recovery.

Hodgkin's disease is a form of lymphatic cancer is rare in their occurrence. Also statistically true that most men aged between fifteen and 34 and men over the age of 54, but only for men. Some of the most common symptoms of Hodgkin's disease are night sweats, unexplained wight loss, constant fatigue and unexplained fever. If you have any or all of these symptoms, you may want to consider aDoctor and these could be symptoms of another disease.

All other remaining types of lymphoma are known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Handles most of the tumors in the lymph nodes are non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The symptoms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are the same as the Hodgkin's disease. Night sweats, unexplained fever, chronic fatigue and unexplained weight gain loss.Lymph node cancer is also known as Hodgkin's lymphoma. Those who fall statistically with a family history of lymphomato develop into a group at higher risk. This is true for both men and women.

Node lymphatic cancer is a type of cancer involving the lymph system. The lymphatic system is an integral part of the body's immune system. Statistically, the incidence of lymphoma by about 75 percent since 1973, is increasing in the United States. Research has shown that about one in 52 men and 61 women from the UnitedMember States are non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in their lifetime contract. Studies have shown that greater exposure to herbicides and pesticides is largely responsible for this increase.

Lymphoma is curable if caught early and she has a chance more than ever to be cured of this disease and whether it can expect to be cared for, to live a long life and normal with effective treatment of a person suffering from lymphoma. Many new and innovative treatments for lymphoma have beendeveloped and are readily available. The medical community has a greater understanding of lymphatic cancer than in years past. Treatments that were once experimental and must be the most effective currently being used for the treatment and cure of lymphoma.

Is expected with age, he or she will face medical challenges, is part of the aging process. Node lymphatic cancer may be one of those challenges you encounter in your journey of life. How deep these challengesare defeated, depends heavily on how to tackle them. A fighting spirit again and again as a powerful weapon in your arsenal when you have cancer-fighting of any kind was. Accept defeat in any challenge to defeat almost guaranteed. Carried out the will to fight and live many cancer survivors have to defeat the disease.

Lymph node cancer

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Tuesday 9 August 2011

As a young man - 3 tips to do Want to Make Out With You!

!±8± As a young man - 3 tips to do Want to Make Out With You!

How can you be with a guy? I know that many people say, it is only natural, but if you know that the message does not get him to make sense, it is necessary to attract his attention, and there are many ways to do it. The following simple tips you want to do with you:

How can you be with a guy - Tip 1: Touch
Previously, it was touching in order, but was not involved consciously. He should not see with his finger completely. He is involved as soon as it becomes awareThe finger. If both of you know, there's a twist. This is the beginning of the note that many things in you and he also trigger.

For a girl to start something contains a lot of sense for a boy. If he is just a random, then it can come immediately with a thousand things that are not ready to accept. To make sure that your intentions. You may have to go to him slowly. And if not, you can follow your example, theFingers.

For a person who wants more with you, or career, can be very, very slow in following your fingers. I respect his thinking and safely move the fingers from her hair to her neck and then shoulders and hips.

How can you be with a guy - Tip 2: Experience
Both men happen to the same thing and expect the same to bring in experience. You can start by touching it with his lips. It 'a sure way to seduce, but also conveys the depth ofTheir feelings. Enjoy touching cheeks, forehead, hands, shoulders, hands and hug. Might give a hint to your body. It is a light touch, but be safer.

Let the experience to the effect that you want to linger. There is one question keeps his feelings to your step, things, and even if it is a bit 'of fear or discomfort, you can speed up or move to stop as you want.

How can you be with a guy - Tip 3: Do you consider yourself a smallmore
Now comes the stage really have it. Your breath will say, you can turn on his breath, to say the least. But if what you wanted, then your time. If he has started to reciprocate your kisses, then you can work a little 'light teeth and then work the language.

If he answers, then it should do, and only support wherever he pushes the body or hand a little '. Giving you like and respect him by waiting for him. Obviously it depends onYour assumption about the end times. In any case, it is only wise to take a while '.

As a young man - 3 tips to do Want to Make Out With You!

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Friday 5 August 2011

How to naturally increase testosterone

!±8± How to naturally increase testosterone

For some people, increasing testosterone completing the defenses of the blood levels of testosterone off is preferable to increasing testosterone using synthetic testosterone.

To increase testosterone naturally is considered by many to be a much safer route over using synthetic testosterone.

Although the potential side effects, which are almost all means to increase testosterone does not mean that the majority of people will suffer side effects. First we will discussRecipes and then go without prescription methods.

As a side note, there are people who buy some of these prescription methods as "natural", while others believe has natural testosterone, come from things such as food, herbs, non-prescription products in order to get the body more own production of testosterone.

Whatever you believe happened, we are all of these methods briefly in this article.

With transdermal systems, one of the mosthighly respected ways to increase testosterone.

Transdermal patches, areas of skin can be applied, is an effective approach to increase testosterone. This is because up to 92% of men by increasing testosterone this way received an adequate level of hormones tested.

Currently there are two types of stains on the market for increasing testosterone. One is to apply a shaved area of ​​the scrotum. Testoderm is an example. The other possibilitywith a patch to keep it on the trunk or limbs. Androderm is an example of this type of testosterone.

Androderm is applied to the abdomen, lower back, thigh or upper arm. To be most effective it can be applied at the same time each night between 08.00 and midnight watch.

A scrotal patch is defined as non-permeable. Increase with the Androderm testosterone naturally is considered permeable. In fact, consists of increasing testosterone by the body absorbtestosterone into the bloodstream through the skin.

Another way to increase the transdermal testosterone is through the use of a testosterone cream. Testosterone cream is becoming increasingly popular because it is not irritating to the skin as transdermal patches or other form of testosterone, testosterone gel.

Testosterone cream is once every 24 hours also increased the release of testosterone, testosterone in the blood applied. This form of naturalTestosterone can be distributed to different areas of the body, including the upper arms, shoulders, thighs and abdominal area. Testosterone cream can be used only in intervals of 8 weeks before a break is needed.

Transdermal gels are other forms of testosterone delivery. To increase the testosterone gel applied once daily on clean, dry skin on the upper arms and abdomen. With an increase of testosterone gel, it is important to let them dry before dressing. This form ofTestosterone has on the body of at least six hours before bathing or swimming will be distributed.

One way to increase testosterone, which is not transdermal testosterone injections to the skin should be used. This way of increasing testosterone has a disadvantage: the level of testosterone in the blood varies with time. The way to manage is to administer the shots every two weeks to increase testosterone in uniform as possible.

Yet another method to increase testosteroneconsists of pellets implanted under the skin. These discharge time constant release pellets doses of natural testosterone increase testosterone for a period of six months before they must be replaced. This form of promotion of testosterone has the advantage that there is no need to be pampered, which on a daily basis.

An interesting way to increase testosterone as an indirect way to increase testosterone naturally is to use an herb called Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terristishas a long history, many cultures used for the treatment of sexual disorders. It does so by increasing a lesser extent, sex hormone known as luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to produce testosterone.

To increase testosterone naturally, uses the body's physiological capacity of testosterone on the rise. Many athletes and bodybuilders hours Tribulus terrestris as a legal way to increase their levels of testosteronewithout resorting to illegal steroids.

That diet. Eating certain foods helps the body to naturally increase testosteorne. Some of the best foods to eat are oysters, eggs, meat, garlic and broccoli.

How to naturally increase testosterone

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Monday 1 August 2011

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

!±8± How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

First of all, no matter what your heart tells you or how your mind forces you to think, not obsessed with a guy you can never have. There are so many more fish in the sea, so many people can love that truly deserves your love. It is not always bad for a guy who will never learn to appreciate you. The characters are as follows:

If his candidate for a Booty Call and then did not know during the day.

If he uses them.

If he abusesThem.

If it hurts. For example, he calls you fat. It says playfully tease you, you really feel like garbage.

When he talks about you behind your back. If he starts rumors about you ...

To understand this, guys can be really bad sometimes. Go ahead, if you answered yes to any of these.

Now that we have of the way, here comes the juicy part. As you can tell when a guy you like? You like. The feeling in the stomach, he likes you back. But it is necessarysome substantial evidence. I do not want to enter the type of guys out there, because in the end, there will always be a group of kids who do not have recess in the fall. These suggestions are not foolproof, since human nature is always fickle. So I suggest you read this and use it as a reference and not your bible.

ONE strategy

Ask. He says that you like. Case closed. You're done. But for fear of rejection, it is possible at all? If only it were that simple. I'll tell you. Ask.This will save you a lot of time. If he says no, then it is understandable that he can not and even after that for some time. Therefore, it is he who repents later, when he falls for you in return, I will hang out and stuff ... Maybe not, because if you refuse, it's too embarrassing ... So, what you can do is this ....

"You like me?"


"I knew it, I do not like either." Haha!

"You like me?"

"Yes, as aFriend. "

"I was worried because I thought that I liked as a friend ..." Saved!

Like when you say that you like so that he likes her and not as a friend, then you have only yourself points for your dream man.

Signs that he likes you
He blushes and sweats. You intimidate him.

He stares you. (It can be a stalker, beware)

He does things deliberately to get your attention.

He stammers when he speaks to you.

His pupils dilate whenclosely and you see them ... Beware, pupils dilate when it is dark, mostly.

He is waiting for you. Watch out for you.

He laughs your jokes when no one else does.

He wants to make fun of her, for him to remember and notice him.

He listens and remembers little details really.

He notices slight changes in your appearance.

It seems sad if they ignore it.

It seems jealous when you're with another man. Whoo.

His friends all know, if youI do not know.

He smiles when you smile at him.

Often fixed and if you catch him, he's doing pretty dizzy, very fast!

He works for you sweet. Defends and protects you. It tolerates it will mean for him.

Signs that a player

He is a good orator. He is very comfortable around you.

He puts his hands on them easily.

Every other girl loves him.

Just be careful.

There are many more characters, but,just go with your heart, you take care of themselves and things happen naturally. Should be, it should be.

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

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